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Glycaemic Regulation, Appetite and Ex Vivo Oxidative Stress in Young Adults Following Consumption of High-Carbohydrate Cereal Bars Fortified with Polyphenol-Rich Berries.

Smith TJ; Karl JP; Wilson MA; Whitney CC; Barrett A; Farhadi NF; Chen CO; Montain SJ.
British Journal of Nutrition. 121(9):1026-1038

Consumption of certain berries appears to slow postprandial glucose absorption, attributable to polyphenols, which may benefit exercise and cognition, reduce appetite and/or oxidative stress. This randomised, crossover, placebo-controlled study determined whether polyphenol-rich fruits added to carbohydrate-based foods produce a dose-dependent moderation of postprandial glycaemic, glucoregulatory hormone, appetite and ex vivo oxidative stress responses. Twenty participants (eighteen males/two females; 24 (sd 5) years; BMI: 27 (sd 3) kg/m2) consumed one of five cereal bars (approximately 88 % carbohydrate) containing no fruit ingredients (reference), freeze-dried black raspberries (10 or 20 % total weight; LOW-Rasp and HIGH-Rasp, respectively) and cranberry extract (0.5 or 1 % total weight; LOW-Cran and HIGH-Cran), on trials separated by >=5 d. Postprandial peak/nadir from baseline (DELTAmax) and incremental postprandial AUC over 60 and 180 min for glucose and other biochemistries were measured to examine the dose-dependent effects. Glucose AUC0-180 min trended towards being higher (43 %) after HIGH-Rasp v. LOW-Rasp (P=0.06), with no glucose differences between the raspberry and reference bars. Relative to reference, HIGH-Rasp resulted in a 17 % lower DELTAmax insulin, 3 % lower C-peptide (AUC0-60 min and 3 % lower glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (AUC0-180 min) P<0.05. No treatment effects were observed for the cranberry bars regarding glucose and glucoregulatory hormones, nor were there any treatment effects for either berry type regarding ex vivo oxidation, appetite-mediating hormones or appetite. Fortification with freeze-dried black raspberries (approximately 25 g, containing 1.2 g of polyphenols) seems to slightly improve the glucoregulatory hormone and glycaemic responses to a high-carbohydrate food item in young adults but did not affect appetite or oxidative stress responses at doses or with methods studied herein.